Short Tongue (Bilingual Edition) by Wang Man Kiat (Translator: Daryl Lim)

Short Tongue (Bilingual Edition) by Wang Man Kiat (Translator: Daryl Lim)

Short Tongue (Bilingual Edition)

by Wang Man Kiat (Translator: Daryl Lim)

Year Published: April 2023

Pages: 144pp

Language: English, Simplified Chinese

Retail Price: SGD18 (Singapore)

Dimensions: 190x130mm

ISBN: 978-981-18-6965-5 (Paperback)

Buyer Request: Final PDF Available

Publisher/Imprint: Roetta Cultures (Singapore)

Rights Available: World

Suggested Categorisation: Poetry, Contemporary Literature, Translated Literature

 About Short Tongue (Bilingual Edition)

Short Tongue is the Singaporean Chinese poet Wang Mun Kiat’s second collection of poetry, representing a distinct change in style from his previous work. The poems in this collection are deceptively short and seemingly simple, but they belie deep reservoirs of irony, wit and social commentary. The title, Short Tongue, hints at an ambiguity and a refusal to define oneself. You can think of each poem as dagger — that both wounds and tickles. This bilingual edition is published in simplified Chinese and English, in hopes of bringing Wang Mun Kiat’s surprising poetry to a new audience of readers, as well as promoting exchanges between the different language literatures in Singapore.

About the Author

Wang Mun Kiat (b. 1967) is a Singaporean writer and poet. He is currently an engineer and lives in Bangkok, Thailand. Wang came into contact with poetry and writing in the 1980s. His works were mostly published in Singapore's literary journals and Lianhe Zaobao. Wang was awarded the Singapore Golden Point Award in 2013, and was shortlisted for the Singapore Literary Award in 2014. His poetry collection includes Not Yet Midnight and Short Tongue.

About the Translator

Daryl Lim Wei Jie is a poet, translator and literary critic from Singapore. His latest collection of poetry is Anything but Human (2021), which was shortlisted for the 2022 Singapore Literature Prize. His poetry won him the Golden Point Award for English Poetry in 2015 and was awarded the Young Artist Award (Singapore) in 2023. His work has been featured in POETRY Magazine, Poetry Daily, The Southwest Review and elsewhere.




黄文杰,1967年生,新加坡人,现为工程师,于泰国曼谷定居。80年代开始接触诗歌创作,作品多见于新加坡文学杂志和《联合早报》副刊。 2013年获颁新加坡金笔奖,2014年入围新加坡文学奖。著有诗集《夜未央》与《短舌》。


林伟杰,是新加坡(英语)诗人、译者与文学评论者。最新诗集《Anything but Human》(除了人,2021)入选2022年新加坡文学奖;曾获2015年新加坡金笔奖(英文诗歌组)、2023年新加坡青年艺术家奖。作品刊登于《POETRY》(诗歌)杂志、《Poetry Daily》(诗歌日志),及《The Southwest Review》(西南评论季刊)等。

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