Short Tongue by Wang Mun Kiat

Short Tongue by Wang Mun Kiat

Short Tongue

by Wang Mun Kiat

Year Published: January 2021

Pages: 112pp

Language: Traditional Chinese

Retail Price: SGD16 (Singapore)

Dimensions: 148x105mm

ISBN: 978-981-14-8893-1 (Paperback)

Buyer Request: Final PDF Available

Publisher/Imprint: TrendLit Publishing (Singapore)

Rights Available: Traditional Script, World except China, Hong Kong and Taiwan; Simplified Script, World. (Rights for Translation: World)

Suggested Categorisation: Poetry, Contemporary Literature, Singapore Literature

 About Short Tongue

Short Tongue is the second poetry collection by Singaporean Chinese poet Wang Mun Kiat, marking a significant shift in his style. The poems in this collection, though deceptively brief and seemingly simple, harbor layers of irony, wit, and sharp social commentary. The title, Short Tongue, reflects a sense of ambiguity and a refusal to be easily defined. Each poem can be seen as a dagger—both wounding and provoking thought with a playful edge.

About the Writer

Wang Mun Kiat (b. 1967) , also known by his pen name "Hua Ying," is a Singaporean poet. He has been working in the engineering industry and is currently based in Bangkok. Actively involved in literary circles since the 1980s, Wang began writing poetry during this time. His works have been featured in Singapore's literary magazines and Lianhe Zaobao. In 2013, he was awarded the Golden Point Award and published his debut poetry collection, Tender Is The Night, which was shortlisted for the Singapore Literature Prize the following year.




  黃文傑,1967年出生,新加坡人,曾用筆名華英。自新加坡理工學院畢業後,一直從事工程行業,現於泰國曼谷工作。業餘參與文學社團,80年代開始接觸詩歌創作,作品多見於新加坡文學雜誌和《聯合早報》副刊。 2013年獲頒新加坡金筆獎,同年出版首本個人詩集《夜未央》,次年詩集入圍新加坡文學獎。

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