Medical Records by Ang Jin Yong

Medical Records by Ang Jin Yong

Medical Records

by Ang Jin Yong

Year Published: May 2021

Pages: 102pp

Language: Traditional Chinese

Retail Price: SGD18 (Singapore)

Dimensions: 190x130mm

ISBN: 978-981-14-8894-8 (Paperback)

Buyer Request: Final PDF Available

Publisher/Imprint: TrendLit Publishing (Singapore)

Rights Available: Traditional Script, World except China, Hong Kong and Taiwan; Simplified Script, World. (Rights for Translation: World)

Suggested Categorisation: Poetry, Contemporary Literature, Chinese Diaspora, Sinophone Studies



  • Reviews and recommendations from Assoc. Prof. Yow Chuen Hoe, from Nanyang Technological University, School of Humanities, Chinese Division, and Prof. Michelle Yeh, from University of California Davis, Faculty of Comparative Literature.

About Medical Records

Medical Records is Ang Jin Yong's debut poetry collection, featuring thirty-five "medical records" that use illness as a metaphor to examine the various facets of urban prosperity. These "cases" reflect the everyday realities we encounter—those gravely ill but avoiding treatment, others who complain despite being healthy, and some unaware of their own "sickness." Through these poems, Ang seeks to prompt readers to reflect on the root causes of these conditions, encouraging them to seek or prepare antidotes, or simply to better understand the ailments after prolonged exposure. Ultimately, the collection suggests that the health of a city should not be the concern of doctors alone, but of all its inhabitants.

About the Writer

Ang Jin Yong (b. 1991) is the current Operations Director and Editor of TrendLit Publishing. He published his debut poetry collection, Medical Records, in 2021, and has edited numerous anthologies and works, including Never Before—50 Essential Poems (2018), The Inventors (2023) and What Gives Us Our Names (2024), etc.




  洪均榮,筆名「空·龙猫」,1991年生于新加坡,现任新文潮出版社的創社編輯。曾擔任《WhyNot不為什麼》主編,也編有《一首詩的時間》(2015與2016)、《不可預期——詩精50首》(2018、《The Inventors》(2023、《What Gives Us Our Names》(2024)等。深信寫詩/創作要像張無忌,越忘得徹底,招式越打得厲害。

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