Mission, Vision & Core Values

Mission | 使命

With humanistic spirit as its core, (we) strive to create a brand that keeps pace with the times and is motivated to becoming the most trusted choice amongst writers, consumers, and enterprises.


Vision | 願景

To become a role model for regional and international publishing and cultural industries, gathering a vibrant creative talent hub.


Core Values | 核心價值

  1. Humanity and Humility | 人本思想
  2. Team spirit | 團隊精神
  3. Affable and Service oriented | 親切服務
  4. Trustworthy and Accountability | 誠信執行
  5. Perseverance and Innovation | 自強不息,力求上進
  6. With Singapore at Heart, with the World in Mind | 心繫本土,放眼世界

(updated on 14 July 2024 | 於2024年7月14日更新)