The Left Side by He Er

The Left Side by He Er

The Left Side

by He Er

Year Published: October 2021

Pages: 176pp

Language: Traditional Chinese

Retail Price: SGD18 (Singapore)

Dimensions: 148x105mm

ISBN: 978-981-18-2449-4 (Paperback)

Buyer Request: Final PDF Available

Publisher/Imprint: TrendLit Publishing (Singapore)

Rights Available: Traditional Script, World except China, Hong Kong and Taiwan; Simplified Script, World. (Rights for Translation: World)

Suggested Categorisation: Poetry, Singapore Literature, Contemporary Literature

The Left Side

The left side needs the right to find its balance, and vice versa. A poem must possess a distinct personality to be captivating. Yet, if it's too sharp, it becomes blinding and can wound. If it’s too broad and all-encompassing, it loses its shape, and its softness becomes a flaw. So, stand a little further to the left—some say that space is closer to the heart.

About the Writer

He Er (b. 1976) is a Singaporean educator with a B.A. (Hons) in Chinese Studies from the National University of Singapore. During his undergraduate years, he enjoyed writing poetry, often handcrafting his collections into books and giving them as gifts to friends. For He Er, poetry was a playful challenge, a form of wordplay that he loved to engage in. After graduation, he stepped away from writing for ten years due to work commitments, but social media rekindled his passion. The Left Side is a collection of poems he has shared on social media over the past eight years, reflecting his journey to rediscover the joy of writing and the nuances of everyday life. His works are imbued with philosophical reflections on life, offering thoughtful explorations of human nature, existence, and the subtle complexities found in daily moments




