The Gentle Art of Teaching by Lee Chun Hsien

The Gentle Art of Teaching by Lee Chun Hsien

The Gentle Art of Teaching

by Lee Chun Hsien

Year Published: October 2021

Pages: 176pp

Language: Traditional Chinese

Retail Price: SGD22 (Singapore)

Dimensions: 190x130mm

ISBN: 978-981-18-1879-0 (Paperback)

Buyer Request: Final PDF Available

Publisher/Imprint: TrendLit Publishing (Singapore)

Rights Available: Traditional Script, World except China, Hong Kong and Taiwan; Simplified Script, World. (Rights for Translation: World)

Suggested Categorisation: Creative Non-Fiction, Singapore Education, Asian Teaching and Learning, Singapore Literature, Contemporary Literature


  • Reviews and recommendations by Prof. I Lo-Fen, School of Humanities, Chinese Division, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Prof. Ngoi Guat Peng, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia; Song Yi-hui, Head Librarian, New Taipei Municipal Dan Feng High School, Taiwan.
  • A personal, firsthand recount of a Chinese language teacher in Singapore navigating the nation's bilingualism and second language policies.
  • The narrative delves into the teacher's journey of continuously learning, relearning, and unlearning various pedagogical approaches to engage students – through experimenting with innovative methods that align with the diverse interests and backgrounds of students, the teacher strives to make language and literature vibrant and enjoyable in the classroom, bringing both to life in a dynamic and inclusive way.

The Gentle Art of Teaching

The Gentle Art of Teaching isn't just a “Chicken Soup” catchy phrase or a title— it reflects Lee Chun Hsien’s personal journey and experiences both in and out of the classroom. Teaching, especially within Singapore’s bilingual and second-language framework, is far from easy, which is why educators are constantly evolving and striving to improve. By embracing gentleness, we can nurture empathy and kindness between teachers and students.

Society often places immense expectations on educators, and these pressures can overwhelm even the most dedicated teachers. Given the challenges of teaching, we hope that after reading this book—whether you're a parent, student, colleague, or teacher—you'll be gentler and more compassionate towards the teachers in your life, and towards yourself.

About the Writer

Lee Chun Hsien, male, born in the Year of the Tiger and a Capricorn—these three elements combine to form a distinctive educator who enjoys helping others. Passionate about teaching, sports, and exploring the emotions and aesthetics within literature, he is deeply interested in various aspects of the Chinese language and culture. His greatest dream is to move people through words and language.

Lee teaches, hosts events, gives speeches, reads widely, and occasionally writes columns, with the goal of mastering the art of doing, speaking, and writing.

He completed his B.A and M.A in Chinese Studies, as well as his Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He was also the inaugural president of NTU’s Chinese Studies Student Society.







  中文系本科、碩士以及畢業生教育專業文憑(Postgraduate Diploma in Education)都是在新加坡南洋理工大學(Nanyang Technological University)修業完成,也是南大中文系學生會的第一屆學生主席。
