Poetry Utopia by Chuah Soon Soon

Poetry Utopia by Chuah Soon Soon

Poetry Utopia

by Chuah Soon Soon

Year Published: October 2023

Pages: 168pp

Language: Traditional Chinese

Retail Price: SGD26 (Singapore)

Dimensions: 190x130mm

ISBN: 978-981-18-7142-9 (Paperback)

Buyer Request: Final PDF Available

Publisher/Imprint: TrendLit Publishing (Singapore)

Rights Available: Traditional Script, World except China, Hong Kong and Taiwan; Simplified Script, World. (Rights for Translation: World)

Suggested Categorisation: Poetry, Singapore Literature, Contemporary Literature, Chinese Diaspora, Sinophone Literature

About Poetry Utopia

In the realm of poetry, time and space converge to form a unique dimension where life takes on countless shapes and colors. Chuah Soon Soon's Poetry Utopia opens the door to this enchanting world, where emotions bloom in unexpected ways—grief unfolds into delicate petals, desire transforms into elusive beings, and the ordinary becomes extraordinary. In this collection, Chuah crafts poems of quiet yet profound depth, inviting readers on a journey through the landscapes of imagination. Through Poetry Utopia, poetry transcends the written word, offering a sanctuary where time pauses, boundaries blur, and the soul finds peace in the beauty of expression.

About the Writer

Originally from Kedah, Malaysia, Chuah Soon Soon earned a B.Sc. in Psychology from Washington State University and an MA in Mass Communications from Oklahoma City University. She relocated to Singapore in 1992 and is currently a senior lecturer in a Polytechnic. Over the years, Chuah has written extensively, with her poems and essays appearing in various Chinese newspapers, magazines and literary journals. In 2021, she received the Merit Award in the poetry category from Fangxiu Literature Award (Singapore-Malaysia), and in 2021, she was shortlisted for Zhou Mengdie Litertaure Award (Taiwan).




  蔡欣洵原籍馬來西亞,現為新加坡公民,來自吉打州(Kedah, Malaysia,現為理工學院的高級講師。筆耕多年,創作的詩和散文零零散散地發表在中文報章和雜誌。曾獲得2021年第四屆方修文學獎詩歌組優秀獎,以及入圍臺灣第四屆周夢蝶詩獎決審。著有散文集《有時,我們遠行》(A Long Walk, 2021)、詩集《詩托邦》(Poetry Utopia, 2023)。
