No Such Person by Chan Kok Peng

No Such Person by Chan Kok Peng

No Such Person

by Chan Kok Peng

Year Published: April 2022

Pages: 160pp

Language: Traditional Chinese

Retail Price: SGD22 (Singapore)

Dimensions: 190x130mm

ISBN: 978-981-18-3443-1 (Paperback)

Buyer Request: Final PDF Available

Publisher/Imprint: TrendLit Publishing (Singapore)

Rights Available: Traditional Script, World except China, Hong Kong and Taiwan; Simplified Script, World. (Rights for Translation: World)

Suggested Categorisation: Creative Non-Fiction, Singapore Education, Asian Teaching and Learning, Singapore Literature, Contemporary Literature

About No Such Person

No Such Person is a collection of sixty untitled poems, crafted for both reading and performance. The poems evoke a deep sense of awe, nostalgia, and memory as the poet reflects on his father and ancestral lineage, tracing their migration to Nanyang (mainly Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand) and exploring the evolution of identity and culture that followed.

Through this personal and historical lens, the poet reaffirms the value of tradition, searching for connections between civilization and history. The untitled poems form an "epic", while each piece also stands alone, offering readers a way to rediscover forgotten or overlooked figures within the family's migration story. The absence of titles echoes the uncertainties of history—blurred faces, unanswered questions, and untold stories. The poems serve as a tribute to those who remain nameless, leaving their mark in the poet’s verses and in the collective memory of those searching for lost identities.

About the Writer

Chan Kok Peng, who writes under the pen name "Yu Fan," is the Vice-President of the Singapore Literature Society and Chief Editor of Singapore Literature News. He has published 11 collections and is a highly acclaimed writer, recognized with numerous literary awards. His accolades include the Taiwan Poetry Writing Award (Prose Poems), the 5th Contemporary Poem Award (Taiwan), the People Fish Poetry Award, the China Times Literary Award, the Singapore Literature Prize, and the 4th Fang Xiu Literature Award (Singapore-Malaysia).


  《查無此人》是一部可以用來演繹(Performance Poetry)的詩集,收錄了六十首詩人對於父親的敬畏、懷念與記憶。通過父親及家族史,試圖還原「下南洋」後的物換星移,並開始重新探索自己的身份認同與文化。



